Sunday, September 20, 2009


Warning:This very true story is not for the faint of heat or the weak of stomic. If you are squeemish put this zeen down or ask the cladya if you can laeve the room. For there is no way to unread or unhear what I am about to tell you. I litterly had to keep a buket next to me as I was reaserching madam Delphine Lalaurie.

A child is born
Are people born wicked or do they have wickedness thost upon them
Child hood: born 1775 Delphine had a normile child hood (conidering) she had a mother a(vevue mecaty) a father(barthelemy mecaty who was a lrish imigrent) as so many doeven a brother augustine mecaty who was mayor of new orleens in 1812 and the were very wethy her parents however were murdered in a slave uprore the date of they death Is unknown

Till death do we part
Delphine (I hope she doest mind me callind her by her first name)was married to don ramonde lopezy angulo(ffuuufff)on june 11th 1800 that would make her about 25 but don romode you know who I’m talking about died (he was exaquted under fales chargess) Delphine pleeded to the king and proved his that he was innocent but it was to late for him. In 1804 but not before having a child. Delphine’s first child marie francis Delphine soon remarryed a slave driver named Jean blanque Camille after 8 eight years latter of misteryouse unknown mysterious circunstances. But now she was now a single mother again but now with two dauters the newest of her dauters was named Camille. As you can tell Delphine did’nt exactly have a happy-ever-after. But that is no exuse for what she did.

Turn around
The date of Delphine’s marrige to Dr. louise lalaurie is unclear (don’t believe everything you read on Wicapeedya).Shortly after marrying the couple moved to New Orleans. They be came one of the most ritch and well known familys in the regein.the were known for thair beautiful dauters, well behaved slaves, goryouse house and magnifasant pardys. But something was’nt quite right.

Soon aferter there arivle in New Orleans reaports started pooring in of conplants of disterbing noisess in the night origeanating from the Lalaurie house. But these compants were ignored and everything seemed to going soovly for the Lalaurie family.but that did’nt last long. Delphine as I have said was known for her soshle stadis and she knew how to make an enterents she would arive fasinibly late to have the most afect so that eveyone could see her at onece,with her gorgeis dress and her hair on top of head.well that was the plan.

A snag
Be for her grand enterest a scream ecoed thought the night and a 12 year odd girl’s life was cutt short. You see she was doing delphines hiar (her regular hair dresser had been strucen “ill”) while she was coming delphines hair she hit a snag and pulled her hair. She was not happy delphine got out a bull wip yes a bull wip and chased the girl throw rhe mantchin as a last resort she cimed up to the roof but delphine was on her. Some say the girl lost her footing but other say she knew exatly what she was doing in any ovent the girl hit the ground and died instantly in a bone cracking fall right at delphin’s cousens feet the girl was quickly taken into the house and out of site but not befor the neibore’s got a good look at what had happened.the next day the girl was burned in the dry well in the cort yard I can onily imagean what was going through that girl’s mind at that momant but tne worst is yet to come here what I have to say and disied for yourself what her dying thought mite have been.

The family was found gilty of obuse of there slaves by juge james (a friend to the family ) and they were charge 300 dollors that may not sound like a lot but back then it was back then but not to the lalaurie family. It been said that they family had thair close friends buy thair slaves back and give them back to them in seceret.

Waning:you can still leave

The horors
On April 10 1834 during another party, a fire broke out in the kitchen of the mansion. The kitchen, as was the normal in Spanish mansions, was separate from the home that is to make sure a kichen fire does not burn down the whole house the kichen was located over the carriageway building across the courtyard and even after the purcotions take by not having the kichen in the house it spred acros the cortyard and into the house. And The firemen entered the building through the courtyard in a attemt to salvege anything in the house and Even after delphies reasherents that the slaves were fine and had already gotten out and just get her valubles they sreeched the house To their surprise, there were two slaves chained to the stove in the kitchen. It appeared as though the slaves had set the fire themselves in order to attract attention. Even if it would cost them there lifes.
However, the biggest surprise was to be found in the attic, where the fire brigade was directed to by the other slaves. The door was bolted, and the fire brigade had to use a battering ram to open the door. A young girl ran out the door and out the window falling to her death as soon as the door was open. And it’s nowonder why. What they found would make their stomachs wrench; inside the crawlspace attic was the stench of death. According to contemporary accounts, a lage uncounted amount disfigured and maimed slaves were manacled to the walls or floor. Several had been the subject of gruesome medical experiments.
The exact details are unclear; owing to the horrific nature of the crime, many details were either swept under the rug or embellished. One man looked as though he had been victim of some bizarre makeshift sex change. Another was trapped inside a small cage, where her arms and legs had been badly broken and then reset at odd angles, making her appear as some sort of "human crab." Another woman had her arms and legs removed and patches of her flesh had been sliced off in a circular motion to make her appear as a giant caterpillar. Some had holes with sticks through them in there heads. The acts were so grusome and most had been forest to whach this be done to there friends, spousess, and children, For some the pain and the site of others in so much aginy drove them to maddness. Some had their mouths sewn shut and had then starved to death. Others had their hands sewn to different parts of their bodies. One woman had her entrails pulled out of her stomach and was secured to the floor by her own intestines. A small boy of about twelve had the flesh on half of his face peeled back, revealing muscle, veins, and so forth. The wound had since been infested with disease and insects. Most of the victims were found dead. Some were even forchinit enough to quikly bleed to death but in my opinion not quickily enough Those who were still alive, begged to be put out of their misery. The soul servivers were so decripled that all they could do is joined a freak show some did others died of they own hand.
the torcher tecnectes were manly divited by gender men: had such thing done as finger nails being riped out, eyes gowged out and privet parts cutt off some had all of the obove one man had legs for arms and arms for legs. wimen: were manily expariment on there organs and ther bones one women had her arns brocken and the arm sreched so the bone filled in the now large gaps making her arm freakishly long like that of a moneys and orgins swich around like a liver were the heart should be, but all of them were nacked.
Also discovered in the attic were teacups and saucers, encrusted with a "red substance" that was never identified. However, there were several bottles lying about with what's assumed to be the same red substance. The substance in the bottles was identified as blood. And skatored lims and organs on the floor and in buckets.
As the discoveries were made, a mob gathered outside of the LaLaurie Mansion, demanding justice of the LaLauries, but not before Delphine escaped by horse and carriage to Bayou St. John, where it is said she paid the captain of a schooner to carry her across to Mandeville or Covington. Many claimed they escaped to Paris. Others say they remained on the outskirts of New Orleans. But no one can know for sure all we do know is lalaurie and her family were nere seen in there manchen again. But the same can not be said for the victoms.
Forgive and forget
Hauntings have been reported throughout the years most see the tortured slaves some carrying there own organs and heads the most popular seems to be a black man that sacks his chains at you and when you go to scream he’s gone he’s most seen on the stair way. Slaves can also be seen wondering the courtyard. But some even claim to see the madam herself one woman almost fainted at the site of a woman leaning over her newborn baby. Some have even woken up to a woman choking them this mainly happens to black people (which were her main target)

1140 Royal Street
The Lalaurie house, called The Haunted House, was sold by an agent of the family in 1837 but avoided for decades by the local superstitious New Orleanians and remained vacant for thirty years.
1865:the house became a public girls school for both black and white children
1878: in 1878 the school became segregated and so the house became an only black all girls’ school for one year

1882: House becomes conservatory of music and dancing school (but it never opened). Dismal failure when rumor spreads about owner of school and no one attends planned soiree and concert. Owner closes school next day. That night, it is rumored that the spirits of the Lalaurie house held a wild carnival to celebrate their triumph.

1889: the house reopened as a hotel but people back then were very superstitious and biasness was hard to keep people hardly ever stayed more then one night. So because of that he was forced out of biasness hotel closed.

1889 - An hotel in the house occupied by Joseph Edouard Vigne for a little more than 3 years. He was thought to be a pauper.
1892 - Vigne found dead upstairs - after black crepe seen on the doors. And even though he ran a five star hotel it said he was living in filth and versus putrid things at the top floor and as you’ll remember that were it all happened. Hundreds of dollar all around him and thousands more in the mattress An inspection of his hotel reveals over $10,000 in cash and family heirlooms stashed in various places around the dwelling. Contents of house auctioned off.
1920 - House is tenement by this time - many reports of ghosts. "There were no other families living here and one night, on the third floor, I saw a man walking carrying his head on his arm," reports one resident.
1923 - House sold to William Warrington who established the Warrington House, a refuge for young delinquents.
1932 - House sold to The Grand Consistory of Louisiana (a consistory is the organization that confers the degrees of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry).
1941 - A grave marker plate for the tomb of Delphine Lalaurie is found in St. Louis Cemetery #1, Alley 4. But the plate is not attached to any specific tomb so the exact location of her crypt remains a mystery.
1942 - The Consistory sold the house. It was turned into a bar, and taking advantage of the building's ghastly history was called "Haunted Saloon". The owner knew many of the building's ghost stories and kept a record of strange things experienced by his patrons. It did relatively well with tourists, but locals eventually refused to patronize the place.
1949 - It was turned into a furniture store, which did not do as well at that location. At first, the owner suspected vandals when all of his merchandise was ruined several times, covered with many liquids such as liquid filth and even something that looked like blood. The owner waited one night with a shotgun, hoping to catch the vandals in the act. When dawn came, the furniture was once again ruined but no one had gotten passes him. He closed the place down shortly thereafter. Again, it sat vacant.
1969 to 2007 -- Eventually, the house was purchased by a retired New Orleans physician and renovated into apartments. Much of the house was in serious disrepair. When floorboards were replaced in the third floor slave quarters, the bodies of 75 people were found who had been buried alive. The remains were removed from the property. He restored the home to its original state with a living area in the front portion and five apartments to the rear of the building. He had no paranormal experiences while living in the house.
2007 -- Actor Nicholas Cage bought the Lalaurie House through his Hancock Park Real Estate Company.
2008, Feb: The house is currently for sale by the Sotheby's.

I hope you have………… well not enjoyed this Mary palmer prediction this is the end for some but for others it will never be the end

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